I saw a child who was selling in the heat of the sun. He peddled children’s toys on people who passed him on the streets. There are people who stop then buy it, and there are also those who just walk away like they did not see a skinny child looking for a living.

Not a few scenes like this we find around us, even during school hours. Are they don’t want to go to school? No, but they don’t have time to go to school. Time in the morning is used to find money so they can eat. During the day they have to rest, continue in the afternoon until evening.
Where are their parents? It could be because of orphans, it could be because they are poor.
But in the midst of the gap that has lately created a gap between the poor and the rich, it turns out there is still hope for those who want to go to school.

There is one school located in Lakki Marwat district, Jabu Khe Village, Pakistan which was founded by Ghulam Hassan in 2000.
This school called Hassan Public School that provides free education for orphans and poor people until they graduate from Hassan Public School. Starting from nursery class to class 8th.

The amazing thing is that they handle everything themselves, without any assistance from the Government.

They provide free facilities to the needs of students such as shoes and uniforms from the personal money they collect specifically for these children.
This free education model is processed professionally by the school principal named Sami Ullah who is also the son of the founder of Hassan Public School.

Children no longer worry if could find a school like Hassan Public School in various cities in Indonesia or other parts of the country.
Their sincere motto of giving charity immediately proved through dedication to the school that had existed for eighteen years.

I pray for this school. May they can continue to contribute to the country, educate the nation’s life without having to choose which people rich and poor.
If there were a lot of good people like Hassan’s family, I don’t think there would be foolishness in this world. Because all children have the right to learn.

Hats off for them 💙

Call them if you interested in Phone No 09203429332502 or email Samiullahlm@gmail.com